Jamie Toghranegar, Robin Zhao, Stephanie Watts, Alexandros Sigaras, Anaı̈s Rameau, Vardit Ravitsky, Maria E. Powell, Kimberly Kuman, Andrea Krussel, Greg Hale, Nate Blaylock, Yael Bensoussan, Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Steven Bedrick, James Anibal, Ruth Bahr. Workshop summaries from the 2024 voice AI symposium, presented by the Bridge2AI-voice consortium Frontiers in Digital Health .
Alexandra C. Salem, Robert C. Gale, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Automating Paraphasia Identification in Discourse Proceedings of the 53rd Clinical Aphasiology Conference .
Katharine E Zuckerman, Luis Andres Rivas Vazquez, Yesenia Morales Santos, Plyce Fuchu, Sarabeth Broder-Fingert, Jill K Dolata, Steven Bedrick, Jasmine Fernandez, Eric Fombonne, Benjamin W Sanders. Provider perspectives on equity in use of mobile health autism screening tools Autism .
Alexandra C. Salem, Robert C. Gale, Mikala Fleegle, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Automating Intended Target Identification for Paraphasias in Discourse Using a Large Language Model Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research .
Grace Lawley, Peter Heeman, Steven Bedrick. Computational Analysis of Backchannel Usage and Overlap Length in Autistic Children Proceedings of the First Workshop on Connecting Multiple Disciplines to AI Techniques in Interaction-centric Autism Research and Diagnosis (ICARD 2023) .
Grace Lawley, Peter A. Heeman, Jill K. Dolata, Eric Fombonne, Steven Bedrick. A Statistical Approach for Quantifying Group Difference in Topic Distributions Using Clinical Discourse Samples Proceedings of the 24th Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue .
Steven Bedrick, Ophir Frieder, Julia Lane, Philip Resnik. Food for Thought: The value of competitions for confidential data Real World Data Science: A Project of the Royal Statistical Society and the American Statistical Association .
Grace O. Lawley, Steven Bedrick, Heather MacFarlane, Jill K. Dolata, Alexandra C. Salem, Eric Fombonne. ``Um'' and ``Uh'' Usage Patterns in Children with Autism: Associations with Measures of Structural and Pragmatic Language Ability Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders .
Andrew Wen, Huan He, Sunyang Fu, Sijia Liu, Kurt Miller, Liwei Wang, Kirk E Roberts, Steven D Bedrick, William R Hersh, Hongfang Liu. The IMPACT framework and implementation for accessible in silico clinical phenotyping in the digital era NPJ Digit Med .
Robert Gale, Alexandra Salem, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Mixed Orthographic/Phonemic Language Modeling: Beyond Orthographically Restricted Transformers (BORT) Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP 2023) .
Alexandra Salem, Robert Gale, Mikala Fleegle, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Automating intended target identification for paraphasias in discourse using a large language model Proceedings of the 2023 Clinical Aphasiology Conference .
Heather MacFarlane, Alexandra C Salem, Steven Bedrick, Jill K Dolata, Jack Wiedrick, Grace O Lawley, Lizbeth H Finestack, Sara T Kover, Angela John Thurman, Leonard Abbeduto, Eric Fombonne. Consistency and reliability of automated language measures across expressive language samples in autism Autism Research .
Marianne Casilio, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Alexandra C. Salem, Robert C. Gale, Katy McKinney-Bock, Steven Bedrick. ParAlg: A Paraphasia Algorithm for Multinomial Classification of Picture Naming Errors Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research .
Alexandra C. Salem, Robert Gale, Marianne Casilio, Mikala Fleegle, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Refining Semantic Similarity of Paraphasias Using a Contextual Language Model Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research .
Benjamin W Sanders, Steven Bedrick, Sarabeth Broder-Fingert, Shannon A Brown, Jill K Dolata, Eric Fombonne, Julie A Reeder, Luis Andres Rivas Vazquez, Plyce Fuchu, Yesenia Morales, Katharine E Zuckerman. Mobile and online consumer tools to screen for autism do not promote equity Autism .
Alexandra C. Salem, Robert Gale, Marianne Casilio, Mikala Fleegle, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Refining Semantic Similarity of Paraphasias Using a Contextual Language Model Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research .
Robert Gale, Mikala Fleegle, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Recognition of aphasic speech: ASR development and analysis Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association .
Mikala Fleegle, Marianne Casilio, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Inter-Rater Reliability of Paraphasia Classification: Practical Implications for Clinicians and Researchers Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association .
Robert C. Gale, Mikala Fleegle, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. The Post-Stroke Speech Transcription (PSST) Challenge Proceedings of The RaPID4 Workshop - Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic Data from people with various forms of cognitive/psychiatric/developmental impairments - within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference .
Grace Lawley, Steven Bedrick, Eric J Fombonne. Sex Differences in Pronoun and Maze Usage in the Language of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting .
Chionye Ossai, Steven Bedrick, Benjamin Orwoll. Using Publicly Available Reddit Data to Understand How Parents Choose Pediatricians Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet .
Robert Gale, Mikala Fleegle, Steven Bedrick, Gerasimos Fergadiotis. Dataset and tools for the PSST Challenge on Post-Stroke Speech Transcription .
Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick, Bonnie Webber. Refocusing on Relevance: Personalization in NLG Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing .
Adam Rule, Sarah T Florig, Steven Bedrick, Vishnu Mohan, Jeffrey A Gold, Michelle R Hribar. Comparing Scribed and Non-scribed Outpatient Progress Notes AMIA Annu Symp Proc .
Kirk Roberts, Tasmeer Alam, Steven Bedrick, Dina Demner-Fushman, Kyle Lo, Ian Soboroff, Ellen Voorhees, Lucy Lu Wang, William R. Hersh. Searching for scientific evidence in a pandemic: An overview of TREC-COVID Journal of Biomedical Informatics .
Adam Rule, Steven Bedrick, Michael F. Chiang, Michelle R. Hribar. Length and Redundancy of Outpatient Progress Notes Across a Decade at an Academic Medical Center JAMA Network Open .
Joel R. Adams, Alexandra C. Salem, Heather MacFarlane, Rosemary Ingham, Steven D. Bedrick, Eric Fombonne, Jill K. Dolata, Alison Presmanes Hill, Jan van Santen. A Pseudo-Value Approach to Analyze the Semantic Similarity of the Speech of Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder Frontiers in Psychology .
Gerasimos Fergadiotis, William Hula, Colin Gibson, Daniel Taylor-Rodriguez, Marianne Casilio, Steven Bedrick. Computer adaptive testing of anomia: a predictive validity check Proceedings of the 2021 Clinical Aphasiology Conference .
Grace Lawley, Steven Bedrick, Jill Kalat Dolata, Eric J Fombonne. Investigation on Examiner ``Um'' and ``Uh'' Usage in ADOS-2 Sessions International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting .
Alexandra C Salem, Heather MacFarlane, Joel R Adams, Grace O Lawley, Jill K Dolata, Steven Bedrick, Eric Fombonne. Evaluating atypical language in Autism using automated language measures Scientific Reports .
Alexandra Salem, Heather MacFarlane, Joel Adams, Grace Lawley, Jill Kalat Dolata, Steven Bedrick, Eric J Fombonne. Evaluating Atypical Language in Autism Using Automated Discourse Measures International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting .
KE Zuckerman, BW Sanders, LA Rivas Vazquez, P Fuchu, JK Dolata, S Bedrick, S Broder-Fingert, Y Morales Santos, E Fombonne. Challenges in Equitable Development of Online Screening Tools for Autism Pedatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting .
Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick. Are Some Words Worth More than Others? Proceedings of the First Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems .
Sijia Liu, Yanshan Wang, Andrew Wen, Liwei Wang, Na Hong, Feichen Shen, Steven Bedrick, William Hersh, Hongfang Liu. Implementation of a Cohort Retrieval System for Clinical Data Repositories Using the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model: Proof-of-Concept System Validation JMIR Med Inform .
Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick. Long-Tail Predictions with Continuous-Output Language Models Proceedings of the The Fourth Widening Natural Language Processing Workshop .
Steven R Chamberlin, Steven D Bedrick, Aaron M Cohen, Yanshan Wang, Andrew Wen, Sijia Liu, Hongfang Liu, William R Hersh. Evaluation of patient-level retrieval from electronic health record data for a cohort discovery task JAMIA Open .
Aaron M. AND Chamberlin, Steven AND Deloughery, Thomas AND Nguyen, Michelle AND Bedrick, Steven AND Meninger, Stephen AND Ko, John J. AND Amin, Jigar J. AND Wei, Alex J. AND Hersh, William Cohen. Detecting rare diseases in electronic health records using machine learning and knowledge engineering: Case study of acute hepatic porphyria PLOS ONE .
Kate Fultz Hollis, Kirk Roberts, Steven Bedrick, William R Hersh. Addressing the Search Challenges of Precision Medicine with Information Retrieval Systems and Physician Readers Stud Health Technol Inform .
Kirk Roberts, Tasmeer Alam, Steven Bedrick, Dina Demner-Fushman, Kyle Lo, Ian Soboroff, Ellen Voorhees, Lucy Lu Wang, William R Hersh. TREC-COVID: Rationale and Structure of an Information Retrieval Shared Task for COVID-19 Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association .
Ellen Voorhees, Tasmeer Alam, Steven Bedrick, Dina Demner-Fushman, William R Hersh, Kyle Lo, Kirk Roberts, Ian Soboroff, Lucy Lu Wang. TREC-COVID: Constructing a Pandemic Information Retrieval Test Collection .
Betts Peters, Steven Bedrick, Shiran Dudy, Brandon Eddy, Matt Higger, Michelle Kinsella, Deirdre McLaughlin, Tab Memmott, Barry Oken, Fernando Quivira, Scott Spaulding, Deniz Erdogmus, Melanie Fried-Oken. SSVEP BCI and Eye Tracking Use by Individuals With Late-Stage ALS and Visual Impairments Frontiers in Human Neuroscience .
BW Sanders, S Bedrick, S Broder-Fingert, JK Dolata, E Fombonne, JA Reeder, LA Rivas Vazquez, M Gomez, Zuckerman KE.. Searches for Web Tools to Screen for Autism Produce Few Results American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference .
Marianne Casilio, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Revisiting the relationship between paraphasia type and naming accuracy in aphasia Proceedings of the 2020 Clinical Aphasiology Conference (Postponed to 2021) .
Katy McKinney-Bock, Brooke Cowan, Linying Li, Marianne Casilio, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. Improving Machine Learning Models of Paraphasia Classification with Semantic and Lexical Information Proceedings of the 2020 Clinical Aphasiology Conference (Postponed to 2021) .
Brooke Cowan, Katy McKinney-Bock, Marianne Casilio, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick. An Evaluation Framework for Machine Learning Models of Paraphasia Classification Proceedings of the 2020 Clinical Aphasiology Conference (Postponed to 2021) .
Yanshan Wang, Andrew Wen, Sijia Liu, William Hersh, Steven Bedrick, Hongfang Liu. Test collections for electronic health record-based clinical information retrieval JAMIA Open .
Kyle Gorman, Steven Bedrick. We Need to Talk about Standard Splits Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics .
Rui Dong, David Smith, Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick. Noisy Neural Language Modeling for Typing Prediction in BCI Communication Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies .
Katy McKinney-Bock, Steven Bedrick. Classification of Semantic Paraphasias: Optimization of a Word Embedding Model Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Evaluating Vector Space Representations for NLP .
Joel Adams, Alexandra Salem, Heather MacFarlane, Steven Bedrick, Eric Fombonne, Jan van Santen. An Automated Measure of Conversational Semantic Coherence International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting .
Jane E. Huggins, Christoph Guger, Erik Aarnoutse, Brendan Allison, Charles W. Anderson, Steven Bedrick, Walter Besio, Ricardo Chavarriaga, Jennifer L. Collinger, An H. Do, Christian Herff, Matthias Hohmann, Michelle Kinsella, Kyuhwa Lee, Fabien Lotte, Gernot Müller-Putz, Anton Nijholt, Elmar Pels, Betts Peters, Felix Putze, Rüdiger Rupp, Gerwin Schalk, Stephanie Scott, Michael Tangermann, Paul Tubig, Thorsten Zander. Workshops of the seventh international brain-computer interface meeting: not getting lost in translation Brain-Computer Interfaces .
Sijia Liu, Yanshan Wang, Andrew Wen, Liwei Wang, Na Hong, Feichen Shen, Steven Bedrick, William Hersh, Hongfang Liu. CREATE: Cohort Retrieval Enhanced by Analysis of Text from Electronic Health Records using OMOP Common Data Model .
Marianne Casilio, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Steven Bedrick, Katy McKinney-Bock. Can machines classify paraphasias? Evidence from Dell's model. Proceedings of 2019 Academy of Aphasia Annual Meeting .
Steve R Chamberlin, Steven D. Bedrick, Aaron M. Cohen, Yanshan Wang, Andrew Wen, Sijia Liu, Hongfang Liu, William Hersh. A Query Taxonomy Describes Performance of Patient-Level Retrieval from Electronic Health Record Data medRxiv .
Joseph M. Miller, Erin M. Harvey, Steven Bedrick, Prashanthinie Mohan, Elizabeth Calhoun. Simple patient care instructions translate best: Safety guidelines for physician use of Google translate Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management .
Aimee Mooney, Steven Bedrick, Glory Noethe, Scott Spaulding, Melanie Fried-Oken. Mobile technology to support lexical retrieval during activity retell in primary progressive aphasia Aphasiology .
Betts Peters, Matt Higger, Fernando Quivira, Steven Bedrick, Shiran Dudy, Brandon Eddy, Michelle Kinsella, Tab Memmott, Jack Wiedrick, Melanie Fried-Oken, Deniz Erdogmus, Barry Oken. Effects of simulated visual acuity and ocular motility impairments on SSVEP brain-computer interface performance: An experiment with Shuffle Speller Brain Comput Interfaces (Abingdon) .
Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick. Compositional Language Modeling for Icon-Based Augmentative and Alternative Communication Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP .
Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick, Meysam Asgari, Alexander Kain. Automatic analysis of pronunciations for children with speech sound disorders Computer Speech & Language .
Shiran Dudy, Shaobin Xu, Steven Bedrick, David Smith. A Multi-Context Character Prediction Model for a Brain-Computer Interface Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Subword/Character LEvel Models .
Lorraine Goeuriot, Steven Bedrick, Gareth J.F. Jones, Anastasia Krithara, Henning Müller, George Paliouras. Report on the SIGIR 2016 Workshop on Medical Information Retrieval (MedIR) SIGIR Forum .
Joel Adams, Steven Bedrick, Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Kyle Gorman, Jan van Santen. Target word prediction and paraphasia classification in spoken discourse BioNLP 2017 .
Kirk Roberts, Dina Demner-Fushman, Ellen M Voorhees, William R Hersh, Steven Bedrick, Alexander J Lazar, Shubham Pant. Overview of the TREC 2017 precision medicine track Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) .
Stephen Wu, Sijia Liu, Yanshan Wang, Tamara Timmons, Harsha Uppili, Steven Bedrick, William Hersh, Hongfang Liu. Intrainstitutional EHR collections for patient-level information retrieval Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology .
Tracy Edinger, Dina Demner-Fushman, Aaron M Cohen, Steven Bedrick, William Hersh. Evaluation of Clinical Text Segmentation to Facilitate Cohort Retrieval AMIA Annu Symp Proc .
Stephen T. Wu, Allison Sliter, Meikun Wang, Tamara Timmons, Steven Bedrick. Restoring line breaks in Epic-derived clinical notes AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings .
Stephen Wu, Tamara Timmons, Amy Yates, Meikun Wang, Steven Bedrick, William Hersh, Hongfang Liu. On developing resources for patient-level information retrieval Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016 .
Steven Bedrick, Lorraine Goeuriot, Gareth J.F. Jones, Anastasia Krithara, Henning Mueller, George Paliouras. Medical Information Search Workshop (MEDIR) Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval .
Gerasimos Fergadiotis, Kyle Gorman, Steven Bedrick. Algorithmic Classification of Five Characteristic Types of Paraphasias American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology .
Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick. OHSU@MediaEval 2015: Adapting Textual Techniques to Multimedia Search Proceedings of MediaEval 2015 .
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Alba Garcı́a Seco de Herrera, Dina Demner-Fushman, Sameer Antani, Steven Bedrick, Henning Müller. Evaluating performance of biomedical image retrieval systems---An overview of the medical image retrieval task at ImageCLEF 2004--2013 Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics .
Joel Robert Adams, Steven Bedrick. Automatic Indexing of Journal Abstracts with Latent Semantic Analysis Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction .
Kyle Gorman, Steven Bedrick, Geza Kiss, Eric Morley, Rosemary Ingham, Metrah Mohammed, Katina Papadakis, Jan van Santen. Automated morphological analysis of clinical language samples Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality .
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Musaddiq Awan, Steven Bedrick, Coen R. N. Rasch, David I. Rosenthal, Clifton D. Fuller. Development of a Software for Quantitative Evaluation Radiotherapy Target and Organ-at-Risk Segmentation Comparison Journal of Digital Imaging .
Nancy Carney, Jamshid Ghajar, Andy Jagoda, Steven Bedrick, Cynthia Davis-O'Reilly, Hugo du Coudray, Dallas Hack, Nora Helfand, Amy Huddleston, Tracie Nettleton, Silvana Riggio. Executive Summary of Concussion Guidelines Step 1Systematic Review of Prevalent Indicators Neurosurgery .
Nancy Carney, Jamshid Ghajar, Andy Jagoda, Steven Bedrick, Cynthia Davis-O'Reilly, Hugo du Coudray, Dallas Hack, Nora Helfand, Amy Huddleston, Tracie Nettleton, Silvana Riggio. Concussion Guidelines Step 1: Systematic Review of Prevalent Indicators Neurosurgery .
Masoud Rouhizadeh, Jan van Santen, Richard Sproat, Kyle Gorman, Peter Heeman, Alison P. Hill, Steven Bedrick, Emily T. Prud'hommeaux, Géza Kiss. Children's Differing Patterns of Discourse Marker Use in ASD and Typical Development Proceedings of IMFAR 2014 .
Joel Robert Adams, Steven Bedrick. Automatic classification of PubMed abstracts with Latent semantic indexing: Working notes CLEF 2014 - Working Notes for CLEF 2014 Conference .
Steven Bedrick, Tracy Edinger, Aaron Cohen, William Hersh. Identifying Patients for Clinical Studies from Electronic Health Records: TREC 2012 Medical Records Track at OHSU Proceedings of the 21st Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2012 .
Steven Bedrick, Russell Beckley, Brian Roark, Richard Sproat. Robust kaomoji detection in Twitter Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language in Social Media .
Tracy Edinger, Aaron M Cohen, Steven Bedrick, Kyle Ambert, William Hersh. Barriers to Retrieving Patient Information from Electronic Health Record Data: Failure Analysis from the TREC Medical Records Track AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings .
S. Bedrick, H. Al-Jalahma, R. Al-Ali, S. Reti, H. Feldman. Automated Detection of At-Risk Arabic Text in Faxed Medical Documents AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings .
Steven Bedrick, Kyle Ambert, Aaron Cohen, William Hersh. Identifying patients for clinical studies from electronic health records: TREC medical records track at OHSU Proceedings of the 20th Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2011 .
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Henning Muller, Steven Bedrick, Ivan Eggel, Alba G Seco De Herrera, Theodora Tsikrika. Overview of the CLEF 2011 medical image classification and retrieval tasks CLEF 2011 - Working Notes for CLEF 2011 Conference .
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Steven D Bedrick, Kelly Boccia, Clifton D Fuller. A Pilot Prospective Feasibility Study of Organ-at-Risk Definition using Target Contour Testing/Instructional Computer Software (TaCTICS), a Training and Evaluation Platform for Radiotherapy Target Delineation. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings .
Steven Bedrick, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer. Improving Retrieval Using External Annotations: OHSU at ImageCLEF 2010 CLEF2010 Working Notes .
Saı̈d Radhouani, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Steven Bedrick, Brian Bakke, William Hersh. Using Media Fusion and Domain Dimensions to Improve Precision in Medical Image Retrieval Multilingual Information Access Evaluation II. Multimedia Experiments .
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Steven Bedrick, Saı̈d Radhouani, William Hersh, Ivan Eggel, Charles E. Kahn, Henning Müller. Retrieving similar cases from the medical literature - The ImageCLEF experience Studies in Health Technology and Informatics .
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Steven Bedrick, William Hersh. Relevance Judgments for Image Retrieval Evaluation ImageCLEF: Experimental Evaluation in Visual Information Retrieval .
Henning Müller, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Ivan Eggel, Steven Bedrick, Joe Reisetter, Charles E. Kahn, William Hersh. Overview of the CLEF 2010 medical image retrieval track CLEF 2010 - Working Notes for CLEF 2010 Conference .
Henning Müller, Jayashree Kalpathy--Cramer, Ivan Eggel, Steven Bedrick, Saı̈d Radhouani, Brian Bakke, Charles E. Kahn, William Hersh. Overview of the CLEF 2009 Medical Image Retrieval Track Multilingual Information Access Evaluation II. Multimedia Experiments .
Steven Bedrick, Saı̈d Radhouani, Jayashree Kalpathy--Cramer. Improving Early Precision in the ImageCLEF Medical Retrieval Task ImageCLEF: Experimental Evaluation in Visual Information Retrieval .
Steven Bedrick. Improving access to medical literature using multilingual search interfaces MEDINFO 2010 .
Henning Müller, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Charles E. Kahn, William Hatt, Steven Bedrick, William Hersh. Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2008 Medical Image Retrieval Task Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access .
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Steven Bedrick, William Hatt, William Hersh. Multimodal Medical Image Retrieval OHSU at ImageCLEF 2008 Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access .
Saı̈d Radhouani, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Steven Bedrick, Brian Bakke, William Hersh. Multimodal medical image retrieval improving precision at image CLEF 2009 CLEF 2009 - Working Notes for CLEF 2009 Workshop, co-located with the 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries, ECDL 2009 .
Steven D Bedrick, Alejandro Mauro. A Multi-Lingual Web Service for Drug Side-Effect Data AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings .