Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2008 Medical Image Retrieval Task
Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access,
Jan 2009
The medical image retrieval task of ImageCLEF is in its fifth year and participation continues to increase to a total of 37 registered research groups. About half the registered groups finally submit results. Main change in 2008 was the use of a new databases containing images of the medical scientific literature (articles from the Journals Radiology and Radiographics). Besides the images, the figure captions and the part of the caption referring to a particular sub--figure were supplied as well as access to the full text articles in html. All texts were in English and the topics were supplied in German, French, and English. 30 topics were made available, ten of each of the categories visual, mixed, semantic.Add the full text or supplementary notes for the publication here using Markdown formatting.